Eastern/Chadrow Associates, Inc.
Professional Land Surveying, Civil Engineering & Planning Services


About Eastern/Chadrow Associates, Inc. Planning Services:
Eastern/Chadrow Associates, Inc. offers a full spectrum of professional services related to land planning and conceptual site design. Our licensed professional civil engineer and surveyor realize every property is unique and we have the expertise to analyze complex land development and site requirements based on our clients individual needs whether it is residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, municipal or recreational uses. We consider all site features and regulatory requirements which may impact the potential use and development of the property.
Our site analysis consists of reviewing the municipal zoning ordinance as it pertains to land use and dimensional requirements, the subdivision & land development ordinance, environmental and existing feature considerations such as wetlands, water courses, floodplains, steep slopes, woodlands, agricultural soils, scenic views, etc., stormwater management, erosion control, availability of sufficient water, sanitary sewer and other utilities, building location, site access, parking and traffic circulation, required municipal site improvements, required permits and impact fees, property encumbrances such as easements and deed restrictions.
We provide site analysis for a wide array of projects from minor subdivisions to complex multi-use developments. We offer complete project management to guide the project from due diligence, acquisition, initial field surveys, conceptual layouts, site design, permitting, final plan approval and construction.
A comprehensive site analysis and conceptual sketch plan of the property prepared by a professional civil engineer and surveyor experienced in land development and regulatory requirements is essential to the successful planning, design, approval and construction of any land development project. We are committed to the total success of our client's projects.
Property Due Diligence Reviews
Property Survey
Site Planning and Site Yield Analysis
Land Use Feasibility Studies
Zoning Ordinance Reviews
Land Development Ordinance Reviews
Sketch, Concept and Master Plans
Aerial Maps and Photographs
Municipal Parks & Trails
Environmental Features Site Analysis
Water, Sanitary Sewer Site Analysis
Site Access and Traffic Analysis
Regulatory Permit Requirements
Impact Fees Analysis
Improvement Costs Analysis